Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The monastic life - the path of spirituality?

!±8± The monastic life - the path of spirituality?


Elijah and John, like other hermits (a monastic way of life) lived in the desert. Jesus did not. So what is the path to spiritual maturity? And 'the life of a Monaco or otherwise? Achieve what we want, it should be noted, the monastic life or otherwise, by the grace of God. God sees the heart. What was the first miracle of Jesus'? In the ceremony that was to run it? If Jesus was a miracle brought in a wedding party, and thus promoting joyful festival (although,with restrictions), this is not an indication that the monastic, celibacy or asceticism as Godlie not married, the life of the party? Monasticism is the way to spirituality? Although there are good principles in the monastic life should be emphasized, echoed and echoed, that only God can lead to spirituality. From the foregoing, spirituality is not only through works of justice, but in reality by his grace.


a. spirituality

The concept of spiritualityis defined as living the Christian life with the knowledge or sensitivity to religious values. Pursuit of perfection and ambitions and in particular the use of prayer are very important considerations in many Christian circles. It should be noted, however, that spirituality takes different forms in different Christian traditions, for example, from the solitude of the Orthodox monks of activism are the Pentecostals.

b. Monastic life

Monastic liferefers to a religious way of life, which usually follows within the confines of a monastery, where many people take the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, to live by the rule of the Order of belonging. Generally and universally ascetic, celibate, monastic individual separates profess themselves from mainstream society and living as a hermit or anchorite (religious recluse) or by joining a company of others who have similar intentions. It is believed that, althoughSt. Anthony is considered the founder of monasticism, is the founder of the Rule of St. Benedict's life. The goal of monastic life, the attainment of personal salvation with God was a constant spiritual battle with temptation. And 'therefore reasonable to consider that "the main objective of Monaco, therefore, is the personal holiness ..." (Cross, 1975, 914).

c. Monastic spirituality

Monastic spirituality implies a single lonely heart searching for God, an approachHe found the answer to his invitation in writing, for example, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God" (Matthew 6:33). Will be done in a long life and perfect or completely in the eternal life after death. There is a "way of life ... that requires a certain discipline for disposal to meet the living God" (monastic spirituality 2004). Then flows from faith in a God who comes to those who are willing to listen, they will find God, even if persistentlyIt seems boring useless. The 48 th verse of the Rule of St. Benedict says: "Not immediately removed from the fear and the man in the street that leads to salvation, is bound to be intimidated from the start closely." (The Spirit of Benedictine life, 2004).

2 Types of monastic life

The Encyclopedia Britannica says, usually in two monasticism, organizational or institutional, hierarchical and status-types. The organizational or institutional setting could be furtherdivided in almost hermit hermit coenobitic, almost monastic and mendicant monks. The two subdivisions in the latter group includes secondary and priestly and religious communities.

A common feature of a true hermit institutions, the emphasis is to live alone on a strictly contemplative life. Semi-hermetic institutions have loose organizational structures without external hierarchies. Coenobitic monasticism, asceticism was to be followed in community life and obedience. Thequasi-monastic groups are Christian military orders. Strictly defined, the monks are the ones who live by begging alms.

3 Causes of monastic life

Several reasons for the rise of monasticism could be attributed. An important influence was the philosophy. The dualistic view of flesh and spirit, with its tendency, and bad meat and mind to look good so characteristic of the Eastern influence of Christianity, but the movements Gnostics and Neoplatonists. It is assumedthat the pension can from the world "with the help of the individual to crucify the flesh and the spiritual life through meditation and asceticism of taking action" (Cairns, 1967, 163).

Secondly, it seems that some fonts seem to justify the monastic life. I Corinthians 7 is an example. Some early church fathers as Origen, Cyprian, Tertullian and Jerome required celibacy correct interpretation of Scripture to support. In addition, observe, Antonio, probably the first monaco, "inAnswering these words (Matthew 19:21), disposed of his property and gave the proceeds to the poor, only a portion set aside for the care of his sister "(Gonzalez 1984, 141). He also discarded the small reserve fund for his sister who kept them under the care of the young women of the church, and left the desert, when "not be anxious about tomorrow" in the next verse (Matthew 6:34) he moves. Even if you do not really know if really started flying in the desert, "Antony firstbegan the life of a hermit, just before the year 270, but it seems that he predecessor "(Lawrence 1984, 5) had.

The total spiritual poverty that is required of Christians and monks, without hesitation answer seems to be lovingly given in the Beatitudes. This is the core spirit of the Benedictine order - the respect of his teachings, in the end the following, which has followed the same approach was used by his baptism in the Jordan through ', testing and misunderstandingsHumiliation of the rejection of his obedience to his father and burning the final act of the blink victim. It also improves in the third place certain psychological tendencies, the desire for a monastic life. In times of crisis there is always a tendency to retreat from the harsh reality. At the end of the second and third century began, the unrest that had spread so far in the history of the empire later. It 'so obvious that "many on the left for the companyMonastery as a means of escape from harsh reality and the moral pollution of Time "(Cairns 1967, 164). Historically there have always been moral decay, it was mostly the upper classes of Roman society and monasticism became a haven for those who paid growing against the decadence of the time. Geographically, were warm, dry climate and the numerous caves in the hills on the banks of the Nile in favor of separating the individual from society.

4 BENEFITSOf monastic life

It is obvious that there is much evil in the best of us, and so well in the worst of us, that we are to evaluate critically and learn to trust one another in the Christian space. No description is right. There are strengths in the various Christian denominations, and has a receptive mind to learn from each other. The monastic life is no exception. There are several positive aspects worthy of note in this life. It isseen that the monasteries' are necessary because the world is not Christian. Let it be converted, and the need for a monastic life disappear "(Chrysostom, 1972, 52-53). History has not confirmed his hopes. Monasticism is a unique testimony to the world. And 'strongly believes that" the monasteries were the restorers of learning and centers of missionary work and philanthropy. The monks were the writers, preachers, philosophers and theologians of the time ...." (Vos, 1994, 122). ThisTherefore Cross believes that "the monks were the masters in Europe and a major influential power of civilization." (Cross 1957, 104)

The life of the Church between Constantinople and the Reformation, shows that "almost everything in the church, was the highest, most noble ideals of the gospel and true governed by those who had chosen the monastic way, or those who are in their Christian was inspired by the life of the monks did "(Noll, 2000, 85). Douglas, Cairns and Ruark argue that "theMonks have been important in the controversy Origenist, violently attacked the Christological controversies in the fifth century Byzantine church and was "Democratic Front" (Douglas, 1978, 671). The leaders of the Reformation, including Martin Luther, John Calvin, Menno Simmons and Thomas Cranner uses the writings of monks in order to draw support for their theology. Luther and Calvin, for example, always consult the works of Augustine. In fact, "we must not forget that Luther, Erasmus andmany other critics of the papacy had monastic origin "(Vos, 1994, 122).
The monastic life was not limited to physical labor, but also extends to copying MSS., Teaching, art, all kinds of scientific research and the translation of the Bible. A realistic overview of the influence of the monastic life to Christianity can be summarized as follows:

When we read the Scriptures in our language, we benefit from a tradition of translating the Bible from monaco Jerome (ca. 342-420) was inspired. IfWe sing the praise of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, we follow the monks write Gregory hymnal (ca.540-604) and Bernard of Clairvaux ... If we pursue theology, we (are) forced the monks, Augustine and Thomas Aquinas (ca.1225-74). When we pray for the success of Christian mission, we ask the blessing for companies pioneering work of monks Patrick (ca.390-ca.460), Boniface (680-754), Cyril (826-69) and his brother Methodius (ca. . 815-85) and Raymond Lull (ca.1233-ca.1315). If we in gloryGoodness, God created the world gives, we follow, where the St. Francis of Assisi monaco has paved the way ... (Noll, 2000, 85).

5 The spirituality of monastic life

From the foregoing it is a question that immediately comes to mind, if the monastic life is actually a way to spirituality? Clebsch realistically notes that Antonio will retire from the world, at least one withdrawal is ambiguous, because even if it is separated from the distractions and nagging pressureordinary human society, flees into the desert that Antonio holds the greatest challenges and dangers. When Anthony does not find relief from an enthusiastic audience in a rare visit to the city, "he assured the people around him who must struggle with the same numbers - the demons - in his cell in the desert" (Clebsch 1980, 8).

Monasticism preaches isolation from the society that lives according to the elements of this world and their economic, political and social. Thisusually escape into the desert and later an independent existence of communities that have brought attention to the needs of its members. The monastic republic of Mount Athos, for example, is a prime example of a social, self-life, separate from the world and also against it. The thorny issue is that because not everyone can realistically share this vocation, the monastic remains limited solution. It is not the solution to the world in its entirety.

Although theResearchers of a war-torn country (Sierra Leone) is understood that forgiveness and love are ways to demonstrate the true spirituality. It should be noted that the monks "to participate, under the direction of the Inquisition and talked about bands in the Crusades" (Noll, 2000, 140) is. The question is: why is it so that it is the monastic life depends on personal holiness? As Christians we must be honest to admit that, "as it unfolds, the Crusades had never happened, as well as supporters hoped,and bad consequences, unintended and unexpected by supporters as Urban, the increase "(Noll, 2000, 140). Even in Christianity, is not far-fetched to say that the Crusades sealed the schism. And 'inconceivable that people see that the monastic life participated in political warfare.

The condemnation of Protestants (including the researchers of this article) about the centrality of justification by faith is bound to raise questions about whether the monastic life encouraged harmfulIdeas about the possibility of salvation by works. A legitimate question to ask whether what the monks have vowed not to hide the basic or fundamental reality of God's grace. Paul was right when he observed that "... For by grace are ye saved through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 0, 2: 8 -9). Obtain salvation by works is nothing more than a legalistic approach that constantlycondemned by Scripture. The tense of the verb in Ephesians 2:8, the necessity of faith in Christ as the only way to be done with God How important is the doctrine of grace? They have, this is a matter of someone living the monastic life would fight.

It has the ascetic deprivations of the body from monaco seat shame? In return, she argues forcefully that "the inclination of the heart, rather than simply removing the body, the key isMatter in the fear of God "(Noll, 2000, 103). In fact, a problem in the recently completed our form of sex and spirituality. Although Catholics believe that sex only for procreation, the evangelical point of view of sex between men and women for the pleasure as the true spirituality. Even Fr. Lawrence was honest enough to admit that some of the problems of a sort of monastic life. And 'interesting to note that his brother Lorenzo has started, the wisdom of his decision to live in the desert of the doubt, butlive in a Christian brotherhood ... The members of the group could build and encourage one another, protected against the whims of their individual variability (Lawrence, 1982, 78).


In all fairness to the monastic life, the institution "owes its existence to the desire for perfection in a life of greater security than normal in the world is possible" (Cross 1975, 914). Monks for more than a thousand years of the noblest qualities of life in the church. It isto respect reasonable "is never perfect, always in need of reform, and, occasionally, now sunk in corruption, it was more than 1,700 years after Anthony in the desert, a guide and inspiration for much of the church," the monastic life (Noll , 2000, 104). However, it would be too much to be said that monasticism is a way of spirituality. It 'true that there are good fundamentals in the monastic life. However, one must hasten to note,that only God can bring spirituality. It is only through works of justice, but in reality, by his grace. The environment is really the problem. I believe that the inside of man is the real problem. Philosophers believe that if a person is sick, he would still be in the same place when you remove it from the eaves of the building have been. Why? The answer is that he carries with him his disease. Jesus made to avoid non-Christians? No. What does it mean when he observed that althoughThe Christian is in the world, is not it? The researchers observed that these words suggest or recommend a really unique service. The Ministry seems to show the desert and town, as it is called to do in order to exclude any form anywhere and in any circumstance. How can it be given birth monks and monasteries, lifeless on the other side of the monastery are inhabited? It is proposed that there is only one spirituality for all, withoutDistinction in their demands that ', monaco bishop or layman. St. Seraphim was the extreme practices of hermits and returned to the world. No longer a monaco in the world was still a man among men living in retirement. It was both, and passed, it was essentially a certificate of biblical spirituality.


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Vos, HF IntroductionThe history of the church. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1994.

The monastic life - the path of spirituality?

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